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In a set of 4 mice are lightweight, tumble easily and are light in weight. Enhance the cat’s attention thanks to the matatabi filling. They will not leave a cat indifferent in the fight against a mouse detachment.
• The toys are impregnated with matatabi, an enzyme from the buds of an ornamental plum that grows in Japan. Matatabi not only attracts interest in the toy, but also has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the cat, improves immunity and the quality of the skin and coat. Unlike catnip and valerian, matatabi develops resistance to the stress hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine.
• Inside the mice ringing bells that stimulate the cat’s auditory receptors.
• Can be hung on teaser rods.

Dimensions 13,5 × 8 × 2 cm


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